Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, McKenzie

Mick turned 15 today. Ashley, Tyson and Aundria spent the day with her. They hung out at a local coffee shop and terrorized the customers.
Mick's birthday presents included Harry Potter movies. . .

And tickets to see Lady Gaga!

Some of the things I love about Mick:
1. Her sense of humor.
2. Her gorgeous smile.
3. Watching her with her nieces and nephews.
4. Her homemade pizza.
5. The way she makes me laugh.
6. The fact I can get her a deer hunting cake for her b-day and she finds it hilarious.

7. Her kind heart.
8. She never takes my earrings without asking. Ever. Never.
9. The way she loves Ringo.
10. She's decided she doesn't want a driver's license until she turns 25.
Love you, Mick.

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