Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Meal

Our traditional Halloween Dinner Party was a howling success. Mick's "Bats-on-a-Stick" were a big hit even though we all had the urge to hang upside-down from the rafters after dinner.

The witch finger's were tasty, even if the nails were a little tough.

Mick puts the finishing touches on our brain dish while the magic potion bubbled away, becoming more toxic with each sip.

Happy Halloween Eve!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New House!

Well, I guess technically it isn't "new" since we've been here a month but we love our home in Kearns. (I guess because it's Kearns, it should be called our casa.) Anyway, we're located less than a mile from my work (at the Oval) so I can get up and see my office every single day. Every single day. And since Tom works from home, he gets to live at work. Sucks to be him.

This is the upstairs complete with Direct TV so now Kelsee and Mick are addicted to television even more than they were before. (Someone please save me from the Disney channel.) The girls' bedrooms are downstairs and I'll take a picture of them as soon as they're cleaned up (the rooms, not the girls). Don't look for the pictures anytime soon.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why I Haven't Updated My Blog

10. I'm depressed because summer is over.
9. The battery in my digital camera died and I'm too slothful to charge it.
8. I've been working for US Speedskating WAY too many weekends.
7. I moved into a new home and I can't do two things at once.
6. Kelsee decided to have an allergic reaction to sulfa and ended up in the hospital.
5. I've been too busy eating Halloween candy.
4. I've been trying to solve the mystery of "What Happened to the Wii Equipment."
3. All my favorite TV shows are back with new episodes.
2. I've been counting the days until Christmas.
And the number one reason I haven't updated my blog:
I'm just too lazy.