Friday, March 12, 2010

Unemployment--The Saga Begins

Yesterday I went to the oval to clean out my desk, set various traps for unsuspecting board members and told everyone good bye.
I then proceeded to Five Guys Burgers (grilled mushrooms and barbecue sauce) to medicate myself with grease, fat, salt and caffeine.

Plans for today's first full day of unemployment: wake up around 9:50 am; 10:00 am-noon: stare into the abyss; noon-2 pm: make jam; 2-midnight: love every minute of it!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Can I come be unemployed with you? I love grease, salt, fat and caffeine! It must have been a real pleasure to clean out your desk. Buh bye!

Jason and Laura said...

I've been looking for good pictures of all the family to put up on the wall- I think these are perfect of you, Thanks :)