Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ladies' Night

Not to be confused with Kool & The Gang's hit song, last night was Ladies' Night at the fitness center. So I grabbed the "ladies" (and I use the term loosely) and we hit the gym for some late night. . .um. . .fun?

The night started with Zumba and if you've never seen Mick doing her interpretation of Latin/Hip-Hop/Urban Punk dance moves, you're life is not complete. Mick was fascinated with our instructor's butt which seemed to have absolutely no hip joints. Kelsee and Cassi also got into the latin beat but after 30 minutes of Zumba, we decided to bail and hit the hot tub.

The swimsuit cover for the next Sports Illustrated. Unfortunately, I had to take the picture and couldn't be IN the picture.

It was a fun night and the "ladies" are interesting to hang out with. A little odd. A lot strange. Entirely entertaining.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Fever

It was a gorgeous spring day in Utah today so I decided to take Kelsee and Ringo for a walk at the park. They both behaved very well--except when Kelsee chased the ice cream man.
The flowers in our yard are blooming. Lots and lots of crocuses. Or is it crocii?

Happy Spring!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy St. Joseph's Day

Diego and Laya came over today to eat waffles and play with Ringo. Laya refused to smile for the camera until AFTER I took the picture

And Ringo had to see what was going on.

Diego is practicing his sweet light saber/baseball skills (he thinks this picture makes him look like he has a moustache. It kinda does.)

Mick has been feeling rotten for the past couple of days. So her participation for the evening consisted of laying on the couch and smelling like Vicks.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Plot

I woke up yesterday morning with the perfect plan to solve my financial woes. I would capture a leprechaun, steal his gold and live in luxury for the rest of my life. Made sense at the time (after two hours of sleep).

Took my trusted sidekick Ringo the Wondermutt out hunting for leprechaun prey at a nearby field. Since Ringo didn't understand the word "leprechaun" or "buried treasure" our efforts were futile. But he did dig some great holes in the field for unsuspecting people to twist their ankle in. So I guess it wasn't a total waste of time.

Not exactly Lucky the Leprechaun.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Dog's Life

I learned something important this weekend. Everything I need to know about surviving unemployment I can learn from my dog, Ringo. His sage wisdom will help me make it through the long, lonely days of emptiness.

Ringo's advice:

If you lay around the house, someone will eventually give you a bowlful of food.

Most days can start and end with a nap.

Pooping outside is underrated.

A good belly scratching is amazing!

Grooming can consist of monthly baths, teeth-cleaning biscuits and a good brushing.
I've chosen to incorporate Ringo's lifestyle into my daily routine and I believe it's already made a fantastic difference in my mental health.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Unemployment--The Saga Begins

Yesterday I went to the oval to clean out my desk, set various traps for unsuspecting board members and told everyone good bye.
I then proceeded to Five Guys Burgers (grilled mushrooms and barbecue sauce) to medicate myself with grease, fat, salt and caffeine.

Plans for today's first full day of unemployment: wake up around 9:50 am; 10:00 am-noon: stare into the abyss; noon-2 pm: make jam; 2-midnight: love every minute of it!!!!!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Well, it's over. I've survived 27 days in Vancouver. (The term "survived" being used very loosely.) I spent my last day in Vancouver NOT WORKING!! Linda and I stopped by the local pub to watch the USA vs. Canada hockey game. We were outnumbered 100 to 1, but finally another Yank came and sat with us. (Picture of hostile, yet polite, Canadians.)

We couldn't watch the entire game because we had to get to closing ceremonies. Don't know if you watched it but HOLY CRAZY CANADIANS. I've been telling you for a month now that Canucks are nuts--and the closing ceremonies proved it.

When you have Michael Buble singing in a mounty suit while giant beavers are pulled around the stage and inflatable mounties are intermingling with Vegas-style maple leafs--you have a marijuana-induced Canadian party.

Throw in William Shatner, Hedley (who?), Catherine O'Hara and a smattering of other "famous" Canadians and you have quite the melee. All that was missing was the Team USA doc balancing a chair on his chin.

But the team is coming home with some cool hardware. This is me and Trevor Marsicano with his silver medal, and me with J.R. Celski and Travis Jayner with their bronze medals. Fantabulous!
Now just sitting in the airport, waiting for my 6 am flight. Can't get home soon enough!!!! Okay, Shelley. You can have the baby now. Well, now meaning anytime after 4 pm this afternoon.