Our day started at 7 a.m. with an hour of breathing exercises on the deck. After our lungs were burning, we had a fantastic breakfast. However, five days of no dairy, no wheat, no sugar and no fat left me craving pizza BIG time.
After breakfast, our first 3 1/2 hour yoga session began. Brutal, grueling and tortuous--but it was so cool to be able to endure for the entire class. After class and lunch, we had a few hours to recover (massage!!!) and then the second 2 1/2 hour class began. Dinner, meditation, movies and bedtime. I should have been very tired, but all the exercise and healthy food left me really energized.
I had a post-yoga glow coming back from the retreat. I had the whole love-for-my-fellow-man thing going on. I would love to go back and do it all again.
And then I came home. . .
your a hippy ;)
how do you keep you mind focused while you are meditating?
That's the hard part. It's all about controlling your thoughts and bringing your mind back when it starts to wander. Very difficult.
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