Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Meet me in St. Louis

Spent the weekend in St. Louis at the Hilton Frontenac at the US Speedskating board meeting. Don't let the beautiful blue sky deceive you--it was gloomy, cold and rainy for most of my time there.

I did NOTHING in St. Louis and I wasn't close enough to see the famous arch--even from a distance. Here's how my weekend went:
Thursday: good Italian dinner in St. Louis
Friday: breakfast at 7 a.m. , meetings until 10 p.m. Ordered room service at 10:30 and scarfed it down like the starving person I was.
Saturday: meetings and more meetings. Spent some time crying in the bathroom. Hall of Fame banquet.
Sunday: you guessed it, more meetings. More crying in the bathroom. Flew home.

The next meeting will probably be in Chicago. I can't wait to not see that city, too.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Why were you crying in the bathroom?