Spent the weekend in St. Louis at the Hilton Frontenac at the US Speedskating board meeting. Don't let the beautiful blue sky deceive you--it was gloomy, cold and rainy for most of my time there.
I did NOTHING in St. Louis and I wasn't close enough to see the famous arch--even from a distance. Here's how my weekend went:
Thursday: good Italian dinner in St. Louis
Friday: breakfast at 7 a.m. , meetings until 10 p.m. Ordered room service at 10:30 and scarfed it down like the starving person I was.
Saturday: meetings and more meetings. Spent some time crying in the bathroom. Hall of Fame banquet.
Sunday: you guessed it, more meetings. More crying in the bathroom. Flew home.
The next meeting will probably be in Chicago. I can't wait to not see that city, too.