Sunday, October 26, 2008

New House!

Well, I guess technically it isn't "new" since we've been here a month but we love our home in Kearns. (I guess because it's Kearns, it should be called our casa.) Anyway, we're located less than a mile from my work (at the Oval) so I can get up and see my office every single day. Every single day. And since Tom works from home, he gets to live at work. Sucks to be him.

This is the upstairs complete with Direct TV so now Kelsee and Mick are addicted to television even more than they were before. (Someone please save me from the Disney channel.) The girls' bedrooms are downstairs and I'll take a picture of them as soon as they're cleaned up (the rooms, not the girls). Don't look for the pictures anytime soon.


Unknown said...

Your newish house is very nice! And I'm impressed that you're already all unpacked, organized and decorated for Halloween. I need to come be a house guest for a month or two...the couch looks comfy enough to sleep on. I'm sure Tom won't mind if I lurk around your house eating your food and taking long showers. And watching the Disney channel with Mick.

kathryn said...

Love the new place! But I need a fill-in call or email! Love ya!