Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Donut Falls

McKenzie, Kelsee, Diego and I hiked up to Donut Falls. I've never seen the river so high. We couldn't even cross to the other side. Kelsee (who likes to climb into precarious positions--see blog entry below) can be seen at the top of the picture. I finally used my mom voice to get her off the mountain before she fell and crashed to her death.

So instead of climbing up the falls, we threw rocks into the river, ate donuts (of course) and watched Diego pee on the rocks. He was a little intimidated by the whole "hiking" thing (and wanted Kelsee to carry him) but eventually he relaxed and enjoyed chasing rabid chipmunks and splashing in glacier-cold water. Kelsee (who just watched The Happening) was convinced the forest was going to murder us. Mick hid on the path ahead of us trying to convince Diego she'd been eaten by the wild tigers that roam the Wasatch Mountains.


Unknown said...

Am I seeing the picture correctly? Is there still snow on the ground? Yikes!

Janet said...

I've never seen the river that high! Last time we were there we walked across the river on the rocks jutting out of the water. I'm glad I wasn't there to watch them even stand near it!